Uniting representatives of the heat and energy market

Complex energy-efficient solutions in heat supply
To find out how.

We are entering the international market

We win tenders for reconstruction

We influence legislative decisions

We feel secure and supported

We become heard by uniting

I want to develop my business, but...

Regulations separate from the foreign market.

My product is not getting attention.

Exporting is expensive.

EU complicates standards.

There are restrictions on traveling abroad.

It's difficult to cope alone.

I can't participate in shaping the rules of the 'game.'

My product is not protected

Do you experience this too?

"To do more, it requires interaction!"

To become the voice of the industry,
where every participant
To listen
To be heard
To complement, but not lose uniqueness
To work together
To modernize the old
To be competitive
To hear each other
To create anew

Who needs a cluster?

For heat technology manufacturers

We create and amplify the industry's voice to be heard at home and abroad

For heat technology suppliers

For educators

We provide a base for student practice and work. We assist in bringing scientific ideas and developments to fruition

For the government

We create jobs, pay taxes, address energy security issues, and retain VAT in the country

Yes, we are different

But there is something that unites us —

the mission to become the voice of the heat and energy industry

Together, we aspire

To be heard

To loudly announce ourselves at home and abroad

To influence government decisions

So laws aren't made without us

To interact

To become stronger

To promote our own

To reject others

To create a product

To reject others


Oleksiy Leshchinsky

President of the Thermal Energy Cluster of Ukraine

Expert in the field of thermal engineering, founder of the EnginUP group of companies:

  • “Svit Tepla” trading company: imports heating equipment;
  • TM Paskal manufacturing company: produces thermal engineering equipment.

Andriy Hevko

Vice President of the Thermal Energy Cluster of Ukraine

Lawyer, expert in business protection, dispute resolution, investment support, and interaction with governmental bodies.

Founding partner of the law firm Bargen.

Andrii Artazei

Board Member of the Thermal Energy Cluster

Chairman of the Board of the “Atonmash” Company

Oleksandr Kutsevych

Board Member of the Thermal Energy Cluster

Owner of the “Termojet” Company

Oleksandr Vasyliev

Board Member of the Thermal Energy Cluster

Owner of the “Tenko” Company

Viktor Kuidych

Board Member of the Thermal Energy Cluster

Owner of the “KHT” Company


Olha Aleksieieva

Manager of the Thermal Energy Cluster

Expert in Marketing and Sales

Entrepreneur, Owner of the “Bila hlyna” Brand

Project Manager of the educational reality series GLOBA, broadcast on Megogo and Kyivstar TV

Mariia Medvedieva

Head of Cluster Communications

Expert in brand value creation through PR.

Founder of the Communications Agency “BRPR”.


We're doing everything to be heard!
Amplifying our voice

Event calendar

The cluster is participating in the AquaTherm Kyiv 2024 exhibition!

Date: May 14-16, 2024
Location: Kyiv, International Exhibition Center

We are excited to announce that the Heat and Energy Cluster will be participating in the leading exhibition AquaTherm Kyiv 2024!

This event brings together key players and innovative solutions in the field of heating, water supply, and air conditioning.

Visit our booth and learn about the latest technological developments aimed at increasing energy efficiency and sustainable development in the field of heat and energy. We are ready to share our experience and discuss cooperation opportunities to strengthen our industry together.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to join our energy movement!

Join the Second Ukrainian Construction Congress: «We Must Be The Change»!

Date: May 16, 2024
Time: 15:00
Location: Parkovy Convention and Exhibition Center (KVC Parkovy)

The Second Ukrainian Construction Congress under the slogan «We Must Be The Change» will take place on May 16 in Kyiv.

This event will bring together leading experts, entrepreneurs, and community leaders to discuss key challenges and opportunities in the construction industry. We are honored to announce that the President of the Heat and Energy Cluster will be participating in the event. He will unveil details of a new project for communities aimed at transitioning from centralized to autonomous heating, and will also discuss security issues from Russian shelling that threaten our infrastructure.

Don’t miss this event that will shape the future of the construction and heat energy industries in Ukraine! Register at the event website link and join the discussion on perspectives and innovations in construction!

Participants of the thermal energy cluster can be any manufacturing facilities, companies, research institutions from the thermal energy sector, regardless of the company’s size and location. These may include energy companies producing thermal energy, heat supply service providers, industrial enterprises utilizing thermal energy in their operations, research institutions engaged in developing new technologies in the field of thermal energy.

Cluster partners can include technology and equipment suppliers for thermal energy, consulting firms with expertise in the energy sector, financial institutions providing investment support, as well as organizations involved in the development and maintenance of infrastructure for energy projects. Additionally, cluster partners may include NGOs, local communities, and other stakeholders who contribute to the development of the thermal energy sector or have an interest in addressing issues related to heat supply and energy efficiency.

Yes, there are often programs that last for either six months or a year. To get more details on the cost and information about available programs, please leave a request on the website.

We’ll get in touch with you.

The main stages are as follows:

  1. Submission of an application to participate in the cluster. To do this, you need to fill out an application on the website.
  2. Review and approval of the request. Once we process your application, you will receive an email notification.
  3. Interview with the Cluster President.
  4. Decision on participation. If your candidacy is approved, we will provide you with details for paying the entrance fee.
  5. Payment of the entrance fee.
  6. Receipt of confirmation of residency registration.
  1. Informative events for workers: Participation in the cluster provides access to informative events and training programs aimed at enhancing the qualifications of workers in the field of thermal energy.
  2. Promotion on social media: The cluster offers the opportunity for joint promotion of participants on social media platforms, which enhances their visibility and attracts new clients.
  3. Effective dialogue with government bodies: Through participation in the cluster, companies have the opportunity to represent their interests to government bodies and participate in shaping effective policies in the field of thermal energy.
  4. Joint participation in exhibitions: Cluster participants can exhibit together at trade shows and fairs, increasing their visibility and showcasing new technologies and services in the market.
  5. Representation at international, national, and local conferences: Through the cluster, companies have the opportunity to showcase their achievements and expertise at various conferences, facilitating business expansion and networking.
  6. Participation in cluster projects: The cluster provides the opportunity to jointly develop and implement innovative projects in the field of thermal energy, enabling access to new markets and enhancing the competitiveness of participants.

We are open to joint initiatives and partnerships. Please send your proposal to the email address tcu.cluster@gmail.com.

We invite you to a meet and greet!

An offline meeting, Zoom, or a call will help us to hear each other and discuss our goals to determine if our voices are in harmony.
